Inmate Search

Arrests, Warrant, Docket, Mugshot

Barry County Courthouse, MI

Perform a free Michigan inmate records search. Learn about visitation hours, inmate commissary, find persons in custody, recent arrests, mugshots, and requesting judicial records.

Barry County Jail Information and Inmate Search

The Barry County jail is located in Hastings, Michigan. Current inmates can be searched online at VineLink using a full or partial name, ID number, or case number. Some, but not all, records include mugshots.

Barry County Jail
1212 W. State St.
Hastings, MI 49058

Phone: (269) 948-4804

How to Send Mail or Package

The only mail accepted at Barry County Jail are metered postcards sent through the US Postal Service, UPS, or other mail delivery agency. Mail in envelopes and pictures are not accepted. Packages are only accepted if approved by the jail administrator. Metered postcards should be addressed as follows:

Inmate Name
1212 W. State Street
Hastings, MI 49058

Money orders and cashiers checks should be made out to the Barry County Jail with the inmate’s name in the memo line. Money orders may be mailed in an envelope that includes only the money order and must be addressed to “Barry County Jail.” Money may also be deposited into an inmate’s account through the Self Service Kiosk in the jail lobby. Cash, money orders, and cashiers checks are accepted, but personal checks are not. Money must be deposited into a resident’s account no later than 4pm on Sunday in order to be used for store orders.

Visitation Hours

Inmate visitation is conducted via video visits. To schedule visits, create and login to your account with InmateSales online. After selecting “New Purchase,” choose the facility you’d like to visit and indicate if it will be remote or onsite from the Barry County Jail lobby. Next, enter your personal information, purchase video call minutes, and schedule your appointment. Remote visits conducted by cell phone require the visitor to download an app. If conducted by computer, Chrome browser must be used. If visitors need assistance scheduling visits, they may call the customer service line at 866-340-7879 or use the blue phone in the Sheriff’s Office lobby.

Barry County Sheriff Information

The Barry County Jail is administered by the Sheriff’s Office. The current Sheriff is Dar Leaf and the Undersheriff is Jason Sixberry. The Sheriff’s Office has a number of departments, including civil and marine divisions and a victim services unit. It has also been contracted by the Village of Middleville to provide police service since 1999. The Sheriff’s Office is open 8am to 6pm Monday through Friday. Contact information is as follows:

Barry County’s Sheriff’s Office
1212 W. State Street
Hastings, MI 49058

Police Services – (269) 948-4801
Business – (269) 948-4805
Jail – (269) 948-4804
Barry County is located in southwest Michigan and comprises 577 square miles. According to the 2020 Census, it has a population of 62,423. Hastings is the largest city and county seat.

Crime Statistics
Crime is ranked on a scale of 1 (low crime) to 100 (high crime)

Barry County violent crime is 11.3. (The US average is 22.7)
Barry County property crime is 17.8. (The US average is 35.4)

Inmate Search

Arrests, Warrant, Docket, Mugshot

Barry County Public Records Information

The Records Division of the Barry County Sheriff’s Department maintains all criminal records and is the primary point of contact for citizens who want to obtain copies of public records. Their office is open from 8am to 4pm Monday through Friday. To request records, you must submit a written letter or Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) form, which can be obtained from the Sheriff’s Office or online. In the letter or form, the reports requested should be explained, including the date, incident number, and/or names of persons involved. You must also explain your connection with the report if you did not initiate it. Forms may be submitted in person, by mail, or by email.

Barry County Sheriff’s Office
1212 W State Street
Hastings, MI 49058


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